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Saturday, November 13, 2010

This was an interesting bit...

I decided to try a bit of a new format for me here. It came out interestingly.

“I have eliminated the alphabet”

An innocent apple, full of color and
Aripe with the feel of a warm wind
And the razor’s edge of a knife.

Beneath an azure sky, we tumble.
Beginning our ascent, we are exhilarated.
Building a temple, we arise from the valley.

Craning our heads around, we feel only
Cordon bleu; a spicy hint of a deliciously
Cooked meal, just out of our reach.

Destroying barriers, we lift our wings.
Defibrillator to the senses, we open our eyes.
Desert of song, we see only sadness.

Weeping, our selves are split, bodies
Worming, winding a string less thread,
Without regard to detail or purpose.

Xenophobes, misguided attack me.
Xylophones erupt; here is the havoc.
Xenomorphic, I lose all that I had.

You have abandoned me, lost, alone, and
You have called to me, and I coerce and
Yield. But to yield is now a foreign action.

Zebra striped pajamas in hand.
Zealots, rising, circle around me.
I have eliminated the alphabet.

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