Thanks Sam for reminding me to post.
To think that the thriving torrents thrown through
my mind meaninglessly mince (microscopically)
existentialist examples effacing elements
of obsolete, organic orifices, only ordering
abstract absurdities against an allowance
for flippantly fragrant fallacies.
Dipping, diving, destroying delicacies
so serene, should stoppage start, silently?
Weeping while walking; whistling while wondering
Gregariously griping, gorging gourmet grabs.
Nervous narcissistic narcoleptics never
reason, rather relate rhythmically
various vendettas (very virtuous villain
knowingly kniving kneads
into ironically inserted isosceles
quadrants). Query? Quixotic
behavior berates beneath brevity
harmless, hell, how holy heat
leaves leaving leaves, lesser like
you young yellow yawns.
People purposefully perpetrate purposeless
crimes, capital (cannot come crossed) commands.
Underlying underlings understand
xenophobes, Xanadu, xytomy,
juxtaposed jurisdictually, joining
zoned, zoning, zoned zebras.
Against blackened cries, deeply enveloped,
frothing gurgles, hellbent, I join
knowingly, learned, manifested nearly openly,
pores quivering rather strangely, though
universally very wary (xenomorphicly), you
Alteration!!!! =)